Christine and her family are great people who take care of animals in need when they come across them, so when she found this little grey kitten, barely seven weeks old in her garden with a bloody injured tail, she rushed him to the vet. The news wasn’t good. The tail could not be repaired or saved, amputation was the only option and the cost was going to be around $500. That’s tough for most people these days, and it’s especially tough when you have pets of your own with vet bills. To take on a small creature in addition to that was going to be a real burden. But Christine understood that if the kitten didn’t have surgery, he might not survive the infections. Staff at Animal Care Clinic suggested Christine call PAW FUND and we discussed with Christine how we could cover the bill and try to raise donations to put the money back into PAW FUND. Christine donated $200 towards the cost, and Community Concern For Cats contributed $40 to cover the neutering of the kitten at the same time as amputation. PAW FUND covered the difference and Christine and her family are busy trying to raise donations for PAW FUND so that we can help the next fabulous kitten that stumbles into the yard of a Good Samaritan! A week after surgery, Stumpy looks like he is enjoying the comfy life at Christine’s, and we have shown once again that collaborations and community teamwork saves lives! If you would like to give to the Stumpy fund, go to our Donate Page and make sure you add a note that your gift is for Stumpy!